Telomere Length Test : Analyze life expectancy in the chromosome level

Telomere Length Test : Analyze life expectancy in the chromosome level

Telomeres are the end part of chromosomes in humans and animals. It serves to protect the chromosomes from damage. If a chromosome is damaged, the cell will stop functioning and die. Lead to the deterioration of the body, various chronic diseases including aging process.

Telomeres are usually shortened with age. But there are other factors that are the accelerators of telomere shortening such as unhealthy diet, stress, lack of rest, certain drugs and chemicals, pollution, toxins and heavy metals, radiation and waves.

♦️Benefits of telomere Length Test
– Shows how long your telomeres are compared to those of the same age group.
– Used to analyze the risk of future degenerative or aging diseases.
– Used to plan for preventing abnormal shortening through lifestyle adjustments and other treatments.
– Reminds us to urgently find the cause of illness In cases where telomeres are significantly shorter than normal.

♦️ Investigation process
– Tested by taking a blood sample of 6 cc.
– Check at any time (Do not need fasting or stop taking the drug before the test).
– Can be checked at any age.
– It takes 7-10 working days to analyze the results.

For more information and appointment booking with KLAIRĒ Medical Center, please contact

Line@ ID: @klaireclinic
Phone : +662-227-0600
Working time : Mon – Fri 8.00 AM – 17.00 PM, Sat 8.00AM – 12.00 noon

* Copyright by M.D. Health and Beauty co,.ltd.

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