Female hormonal imbalance … can take care of it.

Female hormonal imbalance … can take care of it.

Because females have more types of hormones than males. Therefore, there is a chance of hormonal imbalance more quickly, easily, and with more severe symptoms. In males, hormonal problems may begin at the age of 40-45 years, but women like us begin to have this problem at the age of 30-35 years and will become apparent at the age of 50-55 years also known as menopause

Important female hormones are as follows:
♦️ Estrogen: Regulates the reproductive system, female characteristics, menstruation, and pregnancy, and regulates the functions of various systems in the body, including emotions.
♦️ Progesterone: Acts to stimulate the thickening of the uterine lining to be ready for the implantation of the embryo, taking care of the readiness during pregnancy, and balancing other hormones.
♦️ FSH: Acts to stimulate eggs to grow and be ready for reproduction and affects sexual maturation during reproductive years.
♦️ LH: Acts to stimulate mature eggs to fall from the ovaries to wait to fuse with sperm.

In addition to the 4 types of sex hormones mentioned above, There are other hormones. These hormonal imbalances can cause symptoms such as:
– Irregular, or absent menstrual periods.
– Infertility or miscarriage.
– Abnormal fertility.
– Abnormal sexual characteristics.
– Certain gynecological diseases such as ovarian cysts or tumors, uterine or breast mass or tumor.
– Emotional state, easily irritated, mood swings, difficulty sleeping.
– Deteriorated physical condition, decreased muscle mass, thin bones, wrinkled skin, hair loss, vaginal dryness and atrophy.
– Other symptoms e.g. swelling of the body, breast pain, gain weight.

From the symptoms of hormonal imbalance mentioned above, it is found that it affects the body both internally and externally including the emotional state. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait until menopause first then treat. Early treatment will help women maintain their young for a long time, reduces the risk of future health problems and also make your couple’s life sweeter too

For more information and appointment booking with KLAIRĒ Medical Center, please contact

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Phone : +662-000-7135, +662-227-0600
Website https://klairemedicalcenter.com/
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