Why would anyone choose IV Therapy at Klaire Medical Center?

Why would anyone choose IV Therapy at Klaire Medical Center?

Nowadays, vitamin drip or IV therapy services are available in many places, but why is IV therapy at Klaire Medical Center still so popular? It’s because…

👉 Efficiency: Our IV Formula really work and have reliable performance. That’s because it’s a specially formulated formula, Not a factory formula. High quality medical grade vitamins are also used.

👉 Safety: Before vitamin drip We will screen for diseases that may be dangerous from certain nutrients, such as G6PD disease. In the required formulas, We use filters to prevent contamination of foreign bodies into the bloodstream.

👉 Experience: We have been providing IV therapy services for over 12 years, giving us profound knowledge and experience. There are also new formulas developed according to the appropriateness of the era.

👉 Medical Standards: Here we provide medical services with international standards. There are experienced doctors and staffs that serve with true expertise.

👉 Uniqueness: We have more than 20 different vitamin formulas which are unique from other clinic’s vitamin formulas.

👉 Care: We care about quality and safety in both environment and service processes in every step.

Because you are the most important person. Therefore, we pay attention to every detail and every step of services for you.

Recently, IV therapy has a special promotion for 15th year opening. Please call or line chat for more details.

For more information and appointment booking with KLAIRĒ Medical Center, please contact

Line@ ID: @klaireclinic
Email: info@klairemedicalcenter.com
Phone : +662-000-7135, +662-227-0600
Working time : Mon – Fri 8.00 AM – 17.00 PM, Sat 8.00AM – 12.00 noon
Live Smart Get Strong Better Longevity

* Copyright by M.D. Health and Beauty co,.ltd.

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