'Obesity' is one of the causes of diabetes

'Obesity' is one of the causes of diabetes

Why does obesity cause diabetes?
✨️ Insulin Resistance

: Obesity causes chronic inflammation, which leads to insulin resistance. (Insulin controls blood sugar levels.)

✨️ Pancreas Damage

: Excess fat creates free fatty acids, which harm organs such as the pancreas and worsen insulin resistance.

Therefore, weight loss helps in treating and preventing diabetes. at Klaire Medical Center We use a principle called ‘Weight optimization’ which takes care of problems from within. There are many laboratory tests to work up for hidden abnormalities. The doctor then corrected the problem. This will allow the organs to function better and ultimately lead to a reduction in body weight. Therefore it is a safe method. and makes your health better, not deteriorated.

For more information and appointment booking with KLAIRĒ Medical Center, please contact

Line@ ID: @klaireclinic
Email: info@klairemedicalcenter.com
Phone : +662-000-7135, +662-227-0600
Working time : Mon – Fri 8.00 AM – 17.00 PM, Sat 8.00AM – 12.00 noon
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* Copyright by M.D. Health and Beauty co,.ltd.

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