Post COVID Fatigue
Chronic fatigue after COVID infection also known as “Post COVID Fatigue” is one of the most common symptoms seen in survivors of COVID-19 infection. In addition to limiting the patient’s recovery, It also affects the daily life and hinders the work of those who were previously infected. Studies have found that more than 64% of people who have been infected with COVID have symptoms of fatigue, tired more easily than usual and sleepiness all day. In addition, other symptoms are also found, such as brain fog, lack of concentration, insomnia or sleep problems, headaches, muscle pain or emotional problems.
Post COVID fatigue is caused by the body’s immune system not functioning properly including hormonal fluctuations until causing the body to become tired which has an impact on various aspects of quality of life such as
– Working or studying
– Daily activities
– Exercise or sport activities
– Traveling or enjoy of life
– Relationships with others, including sex.
♦️ Managing fatigue after COVID infection
– Take more care of your own body. Get enough sleep.
– Calm your mind far from stress by meditating, doing yoga, or relaxation activities.
– Try to move your body often and exercise according to your own energy. Don’t overdo it.
– Eat food that gives energy and stay hydrated.
If your fatigue has not improved, you should consult your doctor to find out the cause and provide appropriate treatment so that you can return to a better quality of life again.
For more information and appointment booking with KLAIRĒ Medical Center, please contact
Line@ ID: @klaireclinic or
Phone : +662-000-7135, +662-227-0600
Working time : Mon – Fri 8.00 AM – 17.00 PM, Sat 8.00AM – 12.00 noon
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