Coronavirus Protection Policy
Coronavirus Protection Policy Sterile and safe, just confide in Klaire Medical Center
“Safety” of service recipients and personnel is our priority.
In the era of the Coronavirus 2019 outbreak that will be with us for a while, we must unite each other to change our normal lifestyle to the New normal lifestyle. In particular, nursing homes that are at risk of spreading disease must be particularly strict and meticulous.
Klaire Medical Center prioritizes disinfection for the safety of all users. Besides screening, wearing masks and social distancing, we also strictly implement sterilization and prevention measures. The rooms and equipment that have been used are immediately cleaned and sterilized with the certified methods for eliminating viruses and bacteria.
Our measures to reduce the risk of infection are as follows:
- Reduce germs on the skin, hair and clothes with Air Shower Sanitization combined with a safe spray of disinfectants every entry time into the building.
- Wear shoes for exclusive use in the clinic. After that, our housekeeper will clean and sterilize the worn shoes immediately.
- Regularly wipe surfaces with disinfectants inside and around the clinic.
- Disinfect using heat to clean bed linen, chair covers, pillowcases and blankets every time before washing.
- Disinfect with UV-C light on appliances, chairs and furniture, room surfaces including devices in contact with our customers such as armbands, blood pressure monitor, exercise balls after every use.
- Ozone sterilization: Regularly disinfect the airborne pathogens in the room.
With these measures, we are confident that our clinic is free from germs. All customers can be assured that our clinic is the safest for all of you.