IV and Ozone therapy: A recovery options for fatigue, cumulative stress, and fluctuating hormones
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IV and Ozone therapy: A recovery options for fatigue, cumulative stress, and fluctuating hormones.
People face such high stress and pressure today because of the current situation. This may bring some hormonal variations, especially cortisol, which may affect thyroid hormones and insulin. In addition, the wearing of a hygienic face mask for hours could cause a problem. It may reduce the exchange of oxygen into the body and cause body stress even more. The most common symptoms are fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, drowsiness, difficulty thinking, forgetfulness, trouble sleeping, emotional regulation, overeating, frequent hunger, and weight gain, etc.
KMC would like to recommend the Executive Stress Formula combined with Ozone therapy. This will help restore the body from fatigue, enhance the function of the adrenal glands, boost the immune system, increase oxygen levels in the blood to supply the brain and other parts of the body, and also boost the body’s energy to be alert and energetic.
? Special promotion 10% Discount on Executive Stress IV and Ozone therapy package ⚡️
?️ From today – 30 September 2022
*** We reserve the right not to combine with other discounts or special privileges.
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? https://klairemedicalcenter.com/
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